An additional date for the IELTS exam in Varna was - December 7, 2020. You can register for this exam date only at English Academy Varna. You do not need to be our student to register for the exam with us.
Registration deadline is 15 November 2023.
If you want to register for the exam, please bring with you your ID card/passport and a proof of a bank transfer. Our colleagues from exam centre will help you fill in the documents.
The fee for the test is 435 BGN for 2023. Fees must be paid by bank transfer to British Council bank account:
CITIBANK, 2 Maria Luiza Blvd, Sofia.
IBAN Leva account: BG77 CITI 9250 1051 0015 01
When transferring payment for the exam, please include the name of the candidate, the abbreviation of the exam (IELTS) and the date of the exam session requested.