

Малкълм в търсене на нови приключения


English Academy е мястото, където събираме професионалисти с различни подходи в преподаването. Тук е и Малкълм – един от най-свежите и млади кадри, с когото много се гордеем. Първата си група пое през есента на миналата година. Когато потърсихме обратна връзка от неговите курсисти в края на семестъра, останахме очаровани. Всички бяха впечатлени и не просто пожелаха, а настояваха, занапред той да води часовете им. Ще имате възможността да се запознаете с Малкълм чрез краткото интервю, което сме ви подготвили. Сподели ни първите си впечатления от нашата ветровита и чаровна Варна. Сподели ни и откъде е дошло вдъхновението му да избере преподавателската професия. Нещо любопитно, е че изключителната му любознателност го предизвиква да започне да изучава нашия цветен и труден език. Малкълм е и запален пътешественик, който иска да опознае всяко кътче на нашата страна, особено тези, свързани с обичаите и традициите. Последнатата му дестинация, която е оставила и дълбока следа в сърцето му, е Велико Търново. Би посетил града отново. Не го виним. :)


Malcolm Lowe

- BA and MA in History from the University of Warwick

- 2 years Part time teaching in the UK

- English teaching qualification


- What was your first impression of Varna?
- When I arrived it was the end of Summer but still very hot. My first impression was that it was very sunny and hot! I was also amazed at how great the food is and how reasonably priced it is. Everyone has been very welcoming, it has helped to make me feel at home. Finally, living next to the sea and the beach is great and it’s something I always dreamed of.

- What would be your perfect day?
- I would wake up late and when I open the doors, I would see the sea. Maybe a beach hut in a hot, tropical country. It would be a simple day, relaxing on the beach, eating and drinking whilst watching the waves in the sea.

-What do you do in your free time?
- I used to be a competitive table tennis player and even played against the British number 1. Here in Varna I enjoy reading, sitting in bars and coffee shops with good company. I also enjoy both playing and watching football.

- Tell us something interesting you have done recently
- I was climbing a mountain in Morocco and when we were near the top, I slipped on some ice. I started to fall and thought that it was the end for me. Luckily, one of the guides grabbed me and saved my life. It’s an experience I hope not to repeat again!

- Why did you decide to become a teacher?
- I was inspired by my mother who is also a teacher. I really want to help people grow and develop and teaching gives me this opportunity. I enjoy getting people to talk and like building a good rapport with the students through teaching.